Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Afghanistan News Update

Black Alliance for Peace, Published on Black Agenda Report,  February 1, 2023 Propaganda continues to justify the U.S./EU-backed economic war on Afghanistan, which the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) has argued constitutes a crime against humanity . That is why the BAP Solidarity Network’s Afghanistan Committee has steadfastly shone a light on the invasion and 20-year war, its devastating consequences,[…]

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Peace Activist Sentenced for Criticizing German War Policy in Ukraine

by Justus Leicht, published on the World Socialist Web Site, January 31,  2023 My information is that  Heinrich Bücker has appealed his conviction and is waiting for the court to set a new date for his appeal hearing.  [jb] The Berlin-Tiergarten District Court sentenced peace activist Heinrich Bücker in January for speaking out in public against Germany’s war policy in[…]

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Biden Launches New Campaign Against Immigrants

by Barry Sheppard, published on Socialist Action, January 19, 2023 On January 5 President Biden “announced a far-reaching crackdown on people who seek refuge at the border with Mexico, dramatically expanding restrictions on asylum in the most aggressive effort of his administration to discourage migrants from crossing into the United States,” reported the New York Times. He expanded a Trump-era[…]

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A Sign of Capitalist Decline: Pink Slips Hit Tech Workers Hard

by Otis Grotewohl, published on Workers World, February 2, 2023 You can buy a paperback copy of this book on Amazon for $298.99, get a Kindle copy for $15.98 OR read it for free online here: [jb] In a vulgar display of capitalist greed, indicative of the system’s state of decay, high tech companies have laid off more than 58,000[…]

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Over 90 Protests Say NO to U.S./NATO Wars

By Martha Grevatt, published on International Action Center, January 25, 2023 Over 90 coordinated antiwar actions took place Jan. 13-22, honoring Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. during the week of his birthday. “As Martin Luther King Jr. so correctly reminded us, the U.S. is ‘the greatest purveyor of violence in the world,’” stated the United National Antiwar Coalition in its[…]

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Violence Will Not End in “Israel” Until the Occupation Ends

by Steven Sahiounie, published on Mideast Discourse, January 31, 2023 On January 27, the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a gunman shot ultra-Orthodox Jewish worshippers as they came out of the Ateret Avraham synagogue in the Neve Yaakov Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem. The gunman was 21-year-old Khairi Alkam a resident of East Jerusalem. He was later shot dead by Israeli[…]

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The U.S. Continues to Escalate in Ukraine

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, February6 1, 2023 The U.S. got more than it bargained for after instigating the Ukrainian conflict. The Biden foreign policy team grows more desperate and their plans become more dangerous as they reckon with the unintended consequences of their actions. “Senator Cruz, like you I am and I think the administration is[…]

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Colonial-Capitalist Fascism and Its Deadly Outcome

Statement by Black Alliance for Peace, January 30, 2023 The State Murder of Tortuguita in Atlanta and Tyre Nichols in Memphis Are Inextricably Linked The cold-blooded assassination of Manuel Esteban Paez Terán, also known as Tortuguita, Spanish for “Little Turtle,” is a reminder that fascism in the United States cannot be reduced to the political intentions of avowed white nationalists.[…]

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Winds of New Cold War Howling in the Arctic Circle

by Vijay Prashad, produced by Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and published on Consortium News, January 17, 2023 In 1996, the eight countries on the Arctic rim — Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States — formed the Arctic Council, a journey that began in 1989 when Finland approached the other countries to hold a discussion about[…]

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