Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Two Massive New Leaks Show Dirty Underbelly of Empire

by Lee Camp, published on Consortium News, October 12, 2020 Most Americans don’t know reality. They know their personal reality, but unfortunately their reality is thoroughly detached from real pure, uncut reality. For example, do they know that police across the country work with corporations to criminalize journalism? Do they know that large PR companies created a false reality to[…]

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Peace, Self Determination and the Duopoly Trap

by Glen Ford, published on Black Agenda Report, October 22, 2020 Corporate institutions and their Black servants conspire to hide the fact that the Black American worldview is profoundly Left on issues of peace and social justice. “Independent Black politics is not a subject of corporate discussion, and is derided by the Democratic operatives that have infested every civic institution[…]

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Yemen’s Never Ending War

Western Hegemony, Gulf State Despots and Modern-Day Genocide of the Yemeni People by Timothy Alexander Guzman, published on Global Research, October 21, 2020 Recently, US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden released a statement on his promise to end his country’s support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen saying that “under Biden-Harris Administration, we will reassess our relationship with the [Saudi[…]

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Israeli Occupation of Palestine is Devastating the Natural Environment

The Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza has devastated the environment… uprooted native trees… imposed polluting industries… prevented sustainable development… caused loss of biodiversity… By Mazin B. Qumsiyeh and Mohammed A. Abusarhan, reposted from Science for the People  Prior to the 1948 war and even the Zionist Congress of 1897, Palestine had some thirteen hundred villages and towns,[…]

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US Antiwar Leader Addresses World Peace Council Regional Meeting

by Bahman Azad, published on ML Today, October 23, 2020 Remarks to the World Peace Council Regional Meeting, Cuba, October 14, 2020 Fraternal greetings to all of our comrades and friends. Thanks to MOVPAZ [Cuban Movement for Peace and Solidarity of the Peoples] and especially to Comrade Silvio Platero for organizing this Regional Meeting of the WPC. I am deeply[…]

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Pandemic in the Pacific: US Military Bases Are Hot Spots for More Than Just Covid-19

by Tiara Na’puti, published on Common Dreams, September 12, 2020 Guam has always been the U.S. military’s best kept secret. Military secrecy isn’t really new, but in the midst of the global pandemic the Pentagon ordered bases to stop publicly announcing their coronavirus cases. By July more than 29,000 service members had contracted the coronavirus, and this summer military and[…]

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Palestine is the Test

by Susan Abulhawa, published on Workers World, September 24, 2020 The following is a lightly edited transcript of a Sept. 19 talk by Palestinian novelist and Workers World Party member Susan Abulhawa during a “Free Palestine! No Normalization with Colonization or Occupation!’ webinar sponsored by WWP. [WWE] We’ve known for years that the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia and[…]

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