from Independent Activist on Substack, March 16, 2025
Yemen under imperialist attack
Yemen once again faces the wrath of American and British racism.
The bombs falling on Yemen from both the USA and Britain exposes once again the white anglo saxon imprimatur of using force to pursue its hegemonic designs in West Asia.
A country that has been ravaged by civil war,an economic and financial siege that has left tens of thousands dead, the country partitioned and the threat of famine due to sanctions hangs over tens of millions of innocent civilians with a background of genocide being progressed in both Palestine and Syria.
The western colonial empires still exist; neocolonialism is the new method employed by these asset stripping vultures who continue to exploit the global south through globalisation through the ongoing looting of the natural resources of sovereign nations by western capitalist corporations.
France still exploits Africa as does Britain.
America exploits the oil fields in west Asia and beyond,steals the oil belonging to the Syrian people and now wants access to the mineral wealth of Ukraine in a bombs for minerals deal.
Yemen has withstood many invasions, concluded many wars of national liberation and to this day continues to stand against imperialism, to protect the innocent of the region from exploitation and occupation .
The people of Yemen led by the Ansar Allah movement are steadfast in their determination to end the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
Recently placed on America’s “terrorist list” by Trump this is the first step in a prolonged war of aggression.
The Ansar Allah government and army are supported by the people as witnessed by the huge weekly Friday demonstrations in Sana and other cities across the state.
They have withstood invasions by Britain, attacks by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates,siege war and aerial bombing by the Zionist entity.
The crime they have committed is the crime of trying to prevent the genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and beyond.
Under international law there is an imperative on states, organizations and individuals to help prevent “genocide” and in my opinion that is exactly what the Yemen government supported by its people is doing.
In preventing arms shipments ,fuel and other goods necessary to enable Israel to continue its illegal occupation and genocide of Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza
Yemen is acting within the remit of “international law” whereas America, Britain, the Zionist State and others are acting unlawfully outside of the limits of “international law” with their illegal provocations, attacks and slaughter of the innocent.
They have bombed not military targets but innocent civilians in towns cities and villages across Yemen.
They claim to be targeting the military infrastructure but the evidence and the victims paint another picture.
Like “shock and awe” the aerial massacres of the Iraqi people by Britain and America,the illegal war on Iraq, it appears that terrorism is the favoured weapon being used by the armed mafia of white anglo saxon crusaders.
Killing the innocent as an act of collective punishment, murdering children in an act of cruel barbarity is their way of sending the message that no one is safe anywhere in Yemen.
Death by starvation,death from the sky, death by attrition are the methods employed by the Zionist state copied so aggressively from their western idols.
Cowardly attacks by super sonic high level aircraft without boots on the ground is the easy option.
How many innocents have they killed,how many are they prepared to kill in order to enforce their foreign values onto the people of West Asia? The answer, like the Zionists, is probably as many as they need to in order to enforce their globalist capitalist map onto the region.
From Bethlehem to Beirut from Baghdad to Sana from Tripoli to Damascus.The destruction and regime change continues.
We have witnessed the continued exploitation of West Asia by the west and its satellite Zionist state as a continuation of capitalist imperialism and neocolonialism.
When the victors rewrite history, in their eyes “might is right”
The continued resilience and steadfastness in the face of these unconscionable immoral illegal military interventions by the west has shown the world the naked face of western racism in pursuit of its own desire to continue to rape the global south of its assets and wealth for the aggrandizement of the few in the west.
History is simply repeating itself.
A 16 th century colonial mindsets using 21st century weaponry.
The west has targeted Iraq Afghanistan Sudan Libya Palestine Syria Iran and now Yemen in its systematic destruction of any sovereign nation that has its own political independence and does not adhere to the demands and controls of the west as vassal states with a puppet administration that would allow the exploitation of its own people for a backhander and the illusion, of the trappings of power.
Saudi Arabia made overtures to the government and office of President Bashar Al Assad to isolate themselves from Iran and Hezbollah in return for being accepted back into the “Arab league”, the house of Saud bankrolled many of the non Syrian mercenaries who butchered their way to power in Damascus,over 50% of those employed to destroy balkanise and sell Syria to Turkey America and Israel are not even Syrian.They are paid thugs and rapists whose political ideology disguised as religion compliments that of the Saudi paid Takfiri murderers.
The UAE is already accused of assisting US forces in the carnage being visited upon Yemen.
No doubt the Saudi’s are not far behind.
A regional war is on the cards as America and Britain will try to garner support for a prolonged campaign against Yemen and possibly Iran.
A “temporary ceasefire” in Gaza even though the killing fields are still in operation has allowed the Zionist state to focus on the occupied west bank, and now the west to concentrate on Yemen.
These illegal wars of aggression are never ending. America’s war on terrorism is a war of war of terrorism.
Is Trump now just another war monger?
I had hoped he might be more humane, more pragmatic, more amenable to peace and ending the crisis without exacerbating it.
Is he bluffing with his rhetoric “your time is up” is he grandstanding?
Does he think he can run world affairs like he is still appearing in the “Apprentice” ,”you’re fired?”
We are definitely living in dangerous times.
Dangerous if you’re Palestinian,Yemin, Iraqi, Syrian, Iranian, Libyan, Sudanese Lebanese?
It is interesting that all those under threat are non white non European and non Christian?
The war on Russia I hear you cry, well they are subhuman “slavs” according to some EU leaders and NATO so they might as well be “rag heads” and the west has a plan for them too including viruses that select “slavs” only as their targets for elimination.
Was that what the “chemical labs” were perfecting in Ukraine before the Russian “Special Military Operation”?
To date these countries have been complicit in the most recent western attacks on Yemen.
Bahrain,UAE,Qatar and Cyprus.
Trump is holding Iran to account over Yemen resistance.
The recent closed meeting of the “security council” at the UN does not augur well for peace!