UNAC Statement on the Israeli Terrorist Attack on the Lebanese People

UNAC Statement, September 21, 2024
The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) expresses our deep solidarity with the people of Lebanon who were victims of the recent Israeli pager terror attacks.  We call upon the people of the world to condemn Israel’s criminal act and its continued genocidal war in Gaza and the West Bank.
The United Nations (UN) has stated that the Israeli pager and communication device attacks are war crimes.  Thousands of Lebanese people, including health care workers and children, have been blinded, injured and have lost hands and other body parts and dozens have been killed.  This attack escalates the willful carnage carried out by the Zionist entity and its US enablers in new and dangerous ways.  None of us are safe now that our cell phones can be weaponized.
If these explosions happen in a market, car or plane the results could even be more catastrophic.  Israel’s second round of explosions was timed to coincide with funerals of some who were murdered by their first round of explosions.  This shows the intent of Israel is to kill as many people as possible.  However, to the Zionist government and its US backers, human life is not important, only the perpetuation of their criminal systems is important to them.
The goal of the Israeli government attacks is to widen the war in the Middle East, and it claims to be preparing for a ground invasion of Lebanon, though it is unlikely they have the resources to mount one.    Israel is working hard to get a large enough response from one of the Axis of Resistance states, to draw the U.S. into their war.  This is the only way they can win.  However,  no amount of bombing and dirty tricks have succeeded to this point.
Despite this latest terror attack, Hezbollah has made it clear that it will continue and redouble its support for Palestine, and we must do the same.  UNAC calls on all to continue our protests and raise the issue of this new escalation of Zionist terror.
End US aid to Israel!
Victory to the Palestine Resistance!
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