Israel Mounts All-out Offensive against Palestinians in Jenin

UNAC Statement on Israeli Assault on Jenin

More than 1000 Israeli soldiers invaded the occupied West Bank city of Jenin including the crowed Jenin refugee camp.  The invasion force included Apache attack helicopters, drones, and bulldozers along with the ground forces.  It has been described as the worst Israeli attack on Palestinians in decades.  As people poured out of the refugee camp, many saying they were forced from their homes by the Israeli military, Young Palestinians resisted the Israeli forces with rocks, Molotov cocktails and small arms.  As of this writing, more than a dozen Palestinians have been killed and hundreds injured. Civilian infrastructure, including homes, streets, water pipes and medical facilities, have been destroyed.  Paramedics and journalists have been targeted.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that this was not a one-time event and said “Israel would continue as long as necessary.”

This attack is a major escalation of Israel’s genocidal policy towards the Palestinian people and it is a war crime.  This attack on Jenin comes after near-daily military raids in the West Bank killing almost 200 Palestinians and as Israel has announce 13,000 new homes in illegal settlements in the West Bank.

These attacks can only come with the tacit approval from the United States the biggest supplier of arms and other aid to Israel.  In the face of these attacks, the only statement from the White House is “We support Israel’s security and right to defend its people against Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other terrorist groups.” Not a word of support for victims of Israeli terror.

UNAC supports the resistance of the Palestinian people against these attacks and demands,

No US aid to Israel!
Stop the annexation of Palestinian Land!
Freedom and Justice for Palestine!

See the One Democratic State of Palestine Statement HERE. [jb]

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