New Report: The Impact And Consequences Of US Sanctions

Statement by Sanctions Kill, published on Popular Resistance, September 14, 2021

NOTE: Sanctions Kill also created a toolkit that you can use to educate yourself and others about what sanctions are, why they are illegal and how they impact people within sanctioned countries and the United States.

In recent decades, the US has increasingly used sanctions as an instrument of foreign policy. Some 39 nations and territories are under direct or indirect sanctions. Most of these sanctions are not authorized by the United Nations Security Council and many of them are enacted by the US alone. They are called “unilateral coercive measures” at the United Nations. These US decrees and legislation are “extraterritorial” when they assume the right to impose regulations, restrictions and penalties on non-US countries, companies and individuals.

There are many types of sanctions: economic or financial restrictions, trade prohibitions, and blocking or seizing assets of individuals, organizations and countries. Greatly increasing the reach of sanctions, “secondary sanctions” target non-US entities which are interacting with the “primary” target.

President Biden’s administration is currently reviewing US sanctions policy. On January 21, 2021, the first National Security Memo of the Biden administration called for a review whether US sanctions are hindering response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Subsequently, administration leaders raised a second concern, saying, “The goal of sanctions should not be to punish ordinary citizens for the actions of their leaders.” Then, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen expressed a third concern that sanctions are undermining “the US’s leadership role in the global financial system.”

The Biden administration review of sanctions is being conducted by an inter-agency team including State and Treasury Departments. As of this date (mid-September 2021), they have not released the results of their review.

Because this issue is vitally important, a coalition of non-profit and human rights organizations called “Sanctions Kill” has prepared the following report. The information and findings are the result of on-the-ground investigation in Syria plus questionnaires with citizens of some of the most severely sanctioned countries such as Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.

The title of this report is “We don’t deserve this.” This is what a Syrian woman said when asked about the destructive impact of US sanctions on her country. The goal of this report is to inform North Americans about the real-life consequences of US imposed sanctions. This report begins with our findings, then goes on to conclusions and recommendations. After that, there are quotes from some of the people interviewed and short synopses of the impact of sanctions in Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua, North Korea, Syria, and Venezuela. The final section includes resources which will be of interest to anyone looking further into this topic.

READ THE REPORT HERE: sanctionsreport_v1

Watch the webinar launch of the new report: US Sanctions on Africa and Latin America/ US Solidarity Activists Speak Out

Sanctions are a form of war.  They are directed against the people from countries that will not follow the dictates of the US.  The goal is to make the lives of the people in these countries intolerable so they will oppose their governments and support the US regime-change agendas in their countries.  In their most severe form, as is being imposed on Cuba, Venezuela, and other countries, they deny these countries food, medicine, and trade and cause great suffering for the people of the sanctioned countries.

Speakers include Asantewaa Nkrumah-Ture of the Black Alliance for Peace, Omowale Clay of the December 12th Movement, Margaret Flowers of Popular Resistance and Sara Flounders of the International Action Center.

Featured photo: Venezuelans line up for water. Michael Fox/DW.


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