Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Tik-Tok and The War on China

by Margaret Kimberley, published on Black Agenda Report, August 12, 2020 Every charge that Trump and his minions make against Chinese companies is true for US corporations, which have been spying on Americans and the rest of the world for decades. “Dedollarization is well underway and will only accelerate with every attack.” The seemingly strange Trump administration attack on the[…]

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The Latest and Most Reckless US Imperial Act

by Patrick Lawrence, published on Consortium News, January 21, 2020 Of all the preposterous assertions made since the drone assassination of Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad on Jan. 3, the prize for bottomless ignorance must go to the bottomlessly ignorant Mike Pompeo. Speaking after the influential Iranian general’s death, our frightening secretary of state declaimed on CBS’s Face the Nation, “There[…]

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Secret Document Reveals US Plans for Civil War in Lebanon, False Flags and Israeli Intervention

Yes, this article was published in April.   However, the plan in question is flowering now.  Though the extreme US and Israeli goals of this plan are unlikely to result, the protests like so many around the world, are being hijacked.  They are mutating, becoming violent, rejecting the resolution of their original demands, and calling for the destruction of popular leadership[…]

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