Stop the Wars at Home and Abroad!

Seattle Protest in Solidarity With Portland

by Jim McMahan, published on Workers World, July 28,2020 On July 25, 2,000 youthful anti-racists marched here in solidarity with Portland resistance. As in Portland, Ore., federal repressive forces have been sent to Seattle. The march was called by the Youth Liberation Front. Chanting “Black Lives Matter,” the demonstrators headed to the site of a new youth jail. Located in[…]

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Outrage Over Trump attack: Portland Movement Fights Back

by Joshua Hanks, published on Workers World, July 21, 2020 Federal officers were deployed to “quell” Portland’s protests beginning the weekend of July 10 and continuing the following week. Camouflaged unidentified agents arrested and detained demonstrators without even a pretext. The Trump administration has escalated the confrontation between the people and the state apparatus, bringing a whiff of fascism to[…]

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CHOP Seattle: Imagining the police-free future

by Joshua Hanks, published on Workers World, June 16, 2020 In the wake of George Floyd’s murder at the hands of Minneapolis police May 25, demonstrations, protests, marches, rallies and rebellions have spread across the U.S. This is now the largest display of civil unrest in decades, a true revolt against the racist police state that has occupied this stolen[…]

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Layoffs Skyrocket, Virus Deaths Soar, Opposition Grows

by James Fortrin, published on Socialist Action, March 31, 2020 This article is long but it tells us, in detail, how we got to where we are now, with the economy shut down and schools closed (for the year in many places), thousands sick and dying and people who supported themselves only a month ago lining up at food pantries[…]

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The Senate’s Coronavirus Relief Package Robs the People to Pay the Rich!

by Rich Whitney, published on Global Research, March 27, 2019 The Senate’s $2 Trillion Coronavirus Relief Package is not fiscal stimulus and it’s not a lifeline for the tens of millions of working people who have suddenly lost their jobs. It’s a fundamental restructuring of the US economy designed to strengthen the grip of the corrupt corporate-banking oligarchy while creating[…]

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On the Shore Facing a Tidal Wave: Reflections of a Physician

By George Duncan, MD, published on ML Today, March 24, 2020 This week I joined the first multi-specialty team in our hospital specifically dedicated to patients with COVID-19 infection. The “tidal wave” analogy has now many echoes in the mainstream media. I was saying this too. It will be a “tidal wave.” We can see the “tidal wave” coming in[…]

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Statement of Socialist Action National Committee: Coronavirus Threatens the Lives of Billions

By James Fortin and Jeff Mackler, published on Socialist Action, March 21, 2019 As the devastating novel coronavirus (COVID-19) literally threatens the lives of billions of the earth’s people, two truths about the contagion remain unchallenged: All nations are ill-prepared for the arrival of the virus, and once it lands, despite herculean efforts in some cases, little can be done[…]

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Understanding the Chicago School Strike … and Why it’s Different

by Paul Elitzik, published on Considered Sources, October 25, 2019 You have to go beyond the news media coverage of the school strike to understand its significance. The reporting reduces the strike to a conflict over particular demands, a power struggle between an “interest group” and the city. But this gets it very wrong. Teachers are not just another interest[…]

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