Protests Against U.S. Militarism and Attacks on Syria

People came out to protest the Wars at Home and Abroad and the brutal, illegal attack on Syria all over this country and in cities around the globe. Below you can get a taste of what is going on thanks to Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers of Popular Resistance‘s great initiative to bring together information from around the country. There is also a list of links to more protest feedback on the Spring Action 2018 Website.

by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers of Popular Resistance

Protests were held on Saturday, April 14 and Sunday April 15, across the United States and in some countries around the world against US militarism. The protests had a special focus on the US aerial attack on Syria, which occurred the night before. More protests are being held today.

The US aerial bombardment was protested as illegal under the US Constitution and domestic law. The president, under the Constitution, cannot declare war; only Congress has the power to do so. Just a few hours before the attack, 88 members of Congress wrote to President Trump calling for him to bring the issue of Syria to Congress for debate. The bombing was also illegal under international law as the attack was not authorized by the United Nations and the US was not directly attacked.

While Syria received the most attention in the protests, people also protested US threats against Iran, Yemen, North Korea and Venezuela, as well as conflicts with Russia and China. People also protested the massive increase in US military spending and the escalation of the arms race, including massive spending on nuclear weapons.

People were urged to participate in the Women’s March on the Pentagon on October 20-21 and the protest against the Trump military parade planned for November 11.

Antwar protest outside the home of Sen. Diane Feinstein. Photo: Paul Kuroda / Special To The Chronicle

UNAC members speak at the rally in New York:

Oakland Protest to End the Wars at Home and Abroad

Emergency protest against attack on @RefuseFascism @TheIndypendent @nycDSAantiwar @tuneintorevcom @riseandresistny @resistwar,   

No War on Syria! Emergency protest against U.S. War on Syria. Members of Refuse Fascism called for an emergency protest in Union Square Park April 14, 2018 in the wake of the recent attack on Syria. Photo by Minister Erik McGregor.

There is more feeback on more events on the SpringAction2018 Website

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